Attendance/Payment Policy

Lessons are given weekly for 30- or 45-minute sessions.  The fee is $20 for half hour lessons paid at or before each lesson.  A discounted rate of $17/half hour is available if pre-paid for the month.  Cash, checks (made out to: Bev Larkin), GooglePay, and Zelle are all acceptable.

Students benefit from meeting for a lesson every week.  It helps them practice regularly (because they’re held accountable); questions and concerns can be dealt with promptly; good habits will be built and bad habits can be avoided; and progress will be made much faster than with irregular or bi-weekly lessons.

I reserve time slots for each student and usually cannot fill them when a student doesn’t come, especially when it is last-minute.  If it is absolutely necessary to cancel a lesson, please notify me via phone, e-mail, or note as soon as possible. I will offer a make-up lesson, if possible.  However, I reserve the right to require payment of my regular fee without a make-up lesson for a no-show or if a cancellation is made with less than 24 hours’ notice.  Irregular attendance or patterns of absences may result in the loss of the student’s permanent spot.

For those students pre-paying monthly lessons at a discount, payments are due to me at the last lesson preceding that month.  If, for some reason, that lesson is missed, then the payment needs to be received before the first of the month.  I reserve the right to refund (or not) any missed lessons for any reason unless I have agreed with you ahead of time to credit or refund the lesson.

If I cancel a lesson and a make-up lesson cannot be arranged, then that lesson’s payment will be credited to you.  For those who pre-pay monthly lessons, I will still expect payment for the following month’s balance before that month begins.

Note that lessons are given year-round, with the exception of certain holidays (New Year’s, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) or occasional trips out of town on my part.  I will notify you in advance if I will not be offering lessons at any particular time.  If you are going to be away or unavailable for lessons, please notify me as soon as possible, and we will discuss alternatives.  Note that the summertime schedule might be different from the school-year schedule.  If a student desires a different time slot in the summer, a satisfactory arrangement can usually be made.

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